Black History Through an Economic Lens w/ the Atlanta Fed
Grades 9-12
Friday, February 7th
8:30am - 3:00pm
Join the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Georgia Council on Economic Education for this special program for economics and history teachers that will feature active learning activities to engage students in the classroom.
Discover three lessons designed to help students understand the economics behind the Great Migration and the lasting impact of the Great Migration on society. The “Economics and the Great Migration” curriculum from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis introduces concepts such as incentives, demand, supply, discrimination, inequality, and equity through the historical lens of the Great Migration.
Other presentations and lesson demonstrations will focus on the legacy of New Deal programs that institutionalized economic discrimination and the efforts during the Civil Rights Movement to enshrine economic rights into law. This program will use a variety of primary source documents.
Audience: U.S. History and Economics Teachers, Grades 9-12
Lunch, materials, substitute reimbursement provided.